• Text Area Component

    The text-area widget is used to collect textual multi-line (string) data in the Elastic-UI. Inputs can be customized through the addition of attribute definitions, logical groupings, and reactive layouts. The available configurations for this widget are similar to that of the Input widget, with the exception of some of the…

  • Toggle Component

    The Toggle widget is a basic widget that allows for simple Boolean data to be collected from a user. This data can be used as-is (yes/no) or it can be used within the Form definition to control conditional logic on the user interface to show/hide/ other widgets. Component Attributes Name…

  • Select Component

    The Select widget also called the “combo box” widget, is used to collect user data from a list or enumeration of potential options. Combo Box can be configured to retrieve either a single response or multiple responses from the user using a single attribute. If you wish to avoid using…

  • Checkbox Component

    The Checkbox widget allows you to provide a list of options for a user and receive one or more selections as an input value. Multiple options can be chosen by the user. If you need to have a single selection by the user, check out the Radio component. Component Attributes…

  • Radio Component

    The Radio widget allows you to provide a list of options for a user and receive a single selection as an input value. Only one option can be chosen by the user. If you need to have multiple selections by the user, check out the Select or Checkbox components. Component…

  • Card Component

    Description The Card widget is a helpful tool that can be used for information display as well as triggering an action, similar to the button. This component can be customized to include title, text, and image. Additionally, each of these attributes can be placed at either the top, middle, or…

  • Output Component

    Description The output widget is used to display information to the user. Specifically, it is used to display plain-text messages. The output is commonly used to provide labels to groups of widgets and to provide additional information to users. Many different configurations may be applied to the output; color, size,…

  • Button Component

    Description The Button widget also called an Action; is a control widget. When this widget is pressed by the user, the current screen will be submitted to the server for validation and flow control. Additionally, when the screen/form is submitted, there will be an “action” appended to the payload that…

  • Input Component

    Description The input widget is used to collect textual (string) and numeric (number) data in the Elastic-UI. Inputs can be customized with a set of optional attributes in the XSLT. Logical groupings, component behavior, and reactive layouts can all be manipulated. Component Attributes Name Default Required (Y/N) Extra name Y…

  • Leap JSON Response v1.0

    Status This page represents version 1.0 of the Leap JSON Response specification. New versions of Leap JSON will always be backward compatible; using a never remove, only add strategy. To request changes to the specification or report an error please contact support. Response Format This section describes the structure of a Leap JSON…